Monday, November 23, 2015


Welcome, one and all! Come in, sit down, stay a while and listen. Listen to what, you may ask? Well, sit back and prepare yourselves.

I'm a college student. As with most college students, I don't like to do work. Even the strain of declaring the extent of my own laziness takes an immeasurable toll on me. Then, to my horror, this semester I was assigned a project. An undertaking of my own choice that would be due at the end of the semester. So I thought, what could I do to turn the tables? To actually make this interesting?

Why, make my project entirely about playing video games, of course. I've been gaming since the olden days of Diablo 2 so I'm not good at anything else gaming comes naturally to me. How would I make a project based around video games, you may ask? As a reviewer. But not a reviewer of games themselves, no, because someone else in my class was already doing that because I wanted to do something different. I'm reviewing mods. Yes, user created content for video games. Those beautiful additions that truly make PC gaming the envy of all others (Sorry consoles). 

So, yeah. Over the next few weeks I'll be putting up reviews for mods that I've played. The only focus I can claim to have is that all the games will fall into the category of "Games that I own" because I couldn't convince my instructor that a project like this needed a budget. My hope for this project? To get an A. And, maybe, get some of these talented modders a little more of the exposure they deserve for slaving away to create these gems for us to enjoy. To give back, just a little, and show my appreciation for the joy and wonder these people have brought into the lives of gamers everywhere.

But mostly the "A" thing.

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